How To Optimize Landing Pages For Conversions


Landing pages are crucial for online business and it simply determines if you will make money or not. Poorly optimized landing page will get you nothing but a highly optimized landing page means more conversions and more money you make online.

Landing page is actually a page in your website where you target your visitors and persuade them to take a specific action such as subscribing to your email newsletter, download a trial version of your product and so on.

Keep it short, simple and to the point
It is hard to get a visitor to your website and if the visitor did not find what he is looking for in the first few seconds, he is most likely to abandon your website. So highlight only the important stuffs. For example, just tell them the benefits of completing the action on that page instead of narrating other stories.

Dark text on white background
Always try to use the universal dark text on a white background layout as it is more pleasing to read. Some websites use dark background and grey text which makes the visitor’s eye to strain a lot and obviously he will leave immediately.

Have action buttons all over
Forget about the beautiful button designs. The action button should always grab attention and a bold one does get a lot already. Make sure you have the action buttons at the top, bottom, middle and wherever your visitor could possibly standby for a while. Same time, don’t overload them and maintain a right balance too.

Avoid distractions and escape routes
Usually people navigate away from a webpage through links and if your landing page has one, they have more chances of leaving without taking action. Simply avoid any link and also other distractions to your visitor. Let the only way to leave the page is to complete the goal or take action.

Don’t require too much of information
If your landing page is designed to make people subscribe to your newsletter or request a trial of your product, avoid making them fill out lengthy forms. Just their email and probably their name should be more than enough. The more fields you ask them to fill out, more chances of them getting bored and leaving without action.

Don’t forget optimizing encore pages
Encore page are as important as your landing page. It is where your visitor lands after the goal of the landing page is completed. Just because the goal is completed, it doesn’t mean the visitor can leave for good. You can still try to monetize more with additional goals and so on. Once a person takes action on your landing page, he is more likely to act again with you and so make use of this Encore pages too.

Split test different landing pages
Lastly, test you landing pages to see which one works and keep tweaking more and more for better conversions. A small change could even result in a drastic change in conversions. Simply test by sending half your visitors to your second landing page and test to see which one converts well.